Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Psychic Domination - Part 3

Well, I couldn't have asked for a better video, as the last 20 or 30 seconds will indicate. What "luck"... LOL.

I want to state clearly that I do not have any ill-will toward the people in these videos. I do not see their personal journeys as wrong, bad, or misdirected. In truth, I am joyful they are allowing themselves to BE even in the face of outside criticism from people that would dismiss their personal experiences. I'm merely drawing parallels between different groups that I believe are experiencing VERY REAL psychic phenomena that is based in the fundamental ability of consciousness to create it's own reality through choice. (NOT LAW OF ATTRACTION)

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First Episode


  1. "based in the fundamental ability of consciousness to create it's own reality through choice. (NOT LAW OF ATTRACTION)"

    As we are that very consciousness manifested at different levels then the choices made as experience unfolds on any given level, even the belief in "anything" at any given point in those unfoldings would point to everything being perfect as choices are made at any given level.

    In other words; it is as it is, and being so, it is all perfect.

  2. It is all perfect, accept when someone convinces you, you have to contort your emotions and perspectives around to be "blessed" and "rewarded" by the universe.

    When in reality, just Being Yourself is enough... way more than enough.


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