Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Flow of Self - Part 1

This conversation was moved to Meaningful Dialog.

Alex Wrote:
The flow concept is one you have discussed a lot. I myself have my own form of flow.
If 'you' are not in control during flow (Which means almost all of the time nowadays, correct?) then I believe you say your Bigger You is in control. In my zen meditation I have had some experiences where I saw how *I* in the classical sense don't exist the way I thought I did. I saw myself much more enmeshed with everything else. I saw how the things I do to others can hurt them, and vice versa. It is hard to explain. But the point is, more than I have felt in a long time I saw the value in the concept of selflessness. To me selflessness isn't about being a sacrificial lamb or whatever, but about what I saw from my meditation, that my self is poorly defined ANYWAY. I know deliberate creators generally see their life as wholy THEIR CHOICE, so this is a bit different. I saw that I have the power to hurt the world or make it better. I saw that every little thing I do is effecting the whole. AND THAT MY WHOLE LIFE COULDN'T BE WHAT IT IS, without the effect of others. Think about it: how could you be Andrew without the rest of existences interaction with you every minute of every day. Without plants, you'd have no air, without farmers there'd be no food, without clothes makers, there'd be no clothes. So in a real way you are enmeshed with them.

Andrew Responds:

I can be Andrew without others. I EXIST. Prime knovium. However, this state my get a little boring after awhile, possibly, because, well, hmmm... essences, but this isn't the time or place to discuss those.

I agree with your last statement about needing plants for air. Yes, but this is only true within the physical context we are currently in. In my ultimate context, I do not need air, or food, or clothes. In fact, I don't really "need" clothes here, it's just a courtesy to others. This is why I'm really advocating communication, because I do believe we need to start listening and respecting one another so we can learn to live in harmony as a family on this planet we find ourselves. However, you are still you, and I am still me. I, in my perspective, and experience, find that there is no ultimate One. There is not an ultimate Bigger Self that encapsulates all other Bigger Selves.

Now... within my Bigger Self there are other distinct personalities. One, for example, is my next lifetime. In my next lifetime, I remember this one, and directly (physically) and indirectly interact with my previous lifetime (this one), which has happened already, and will probably happen again. There is a Bigger Self to my most direct Bigger Self that is a highly female personality. Delicious. I love me. LOL.

I understand what you are saying about hurting another hurts all. If I pollute the air or water, I hurt all. Yes, that is true within the physical context. That is not necessarily true within the core reality. I agree that my life is connected to all other beings that have directly and indirectly interacted with my life, which really includes everyone on the planet today, and all beings in the past, and future... but... I EXIST. I AM CONSCIOUSNESS. I exist outside this physical life time. My personality exists outside this physical time and space. I EXIST. So, really this connection you are speaking of is concerned with the physical circumstances of our lives, but not the internal reality of our existence. A subtle different, I admit.

Alex Wrote:
To me when I am in a flow state, I am not in control, I have let-go of expectation, in letting-go I am even letting-go of my self. Does that make sense? I know you are very self-oriented. Have you had any inklings that the boundaries of your self are different than what the normal person thinks they are? Do you see yourself as connected to the world intimately?

When you let-go in flow, do you let-go of the self, that you learned in life to defend?

Andrew Responds:

I prefer to keep myself. I like Who I AM. Even if this Andrew Wilcox personality is simply a toy of my Bigger Self, then my Bigger Self really likes to play with this toy. However, in my flow, and in my connection, and in my understanding and acceptance of Who I AM, this distinction is growing thin. I'm not concerned with becoming One with everything that's "out there". There's a lot "out there" that I don't like. There are individual personalities and bigger beings that are my sworn enemies (Choices are choices. Consciousness can choose to be an enemy, can choose to seek to harm another.) It took me a long time to face this fact, because it wasn't the "best feeling thought". My Bigger Self went round and round with me on this. It brought me experience, understanding, knowledge, evidence, until I had to face it, and when I did, my shoulder finally healed. Ok, details.

I have directly personal experience that Abraham was setting intentions against me. And, these intentions were manifesting as pain within my shoulder. And, this pain would flare up any time I tired to "connect" with Who I AM, thus keeping me in a cycle of disconnection. Now, how did this happen? By choosing to believe that Abraham was who they claim to be (i.e. highest whatever), then I am indirectly saying they get to create my reality, which means I am indirectly agreeing to any and all intentions they set toward me. This was NOT easy to face. I didn't believe. I couldn't believe it. BUT, I have the personal, physical life experience that is undeniable to me. Can I prove it to anyone else? No, but I can now point out contradictions and errors in their teachings that others might find useful, so I do. When I faced what my Bigger Self was telling me, when I agreed with ME, my shoulder healed, very quickly, because I was able to finally remove the thoughts forms inserted there, and allow it to return to its natural state.

Alex Wrote:
A final question:
If your life is deliberate, if life is taken care of, if you are letting-go, then what do you need the self for?

Andrew Responds:

I love me. I can define this individual personality as a collection of personal preferences. ME, the all of me, may like to put this personality on once in awhile and take a stroll around the block. There are only things Andrew Wilcox can experience, because of who Andrew Wilcox is, and was, and will be.

Alex Wrote:
Ok, I can see how this can be slightly confusing. Let me be more specific.

I am not suggesting becoming a doormat, lol. Just trying to express some experiences. The main one being that the more you let-go, the more you let-go, the more you let-go. Have you not noticed that the more you let-go, the better it gets?

Andrew Responds:

The more I let-go and allow ME to be ME and flow into ME, then yes, the better it gets. I have no intention or desire to let-go for others and their intentions and their desires, unless they are in alignment with Who I Am, and can share-the-bliss, so to speak. Not all beings and consciousness can, as is demonstrated on this planet.

The Concept of Subrealities - Part 1

This conversation was moved to Meaningful Dialog.


I have to say, you ask very GOOD questions. I deeply appreciate good questions. It's like having a good checkers partner. (I love checkers.) Simple and complex all in one.

Alex Wrote:
Ok, another question for discussion, I thought of :)

You mentioned your concept of sub-realities, which I am pretty sure I understand fairly well.

You expressed your driving force to live without being within other peoples' sub-realities. After a couple days of reflecting on this, I want to ask,

1) How can you know you aren't in a sub-reality?

2) And if you can't then what is the point of trying to escape all sub-realities? (well you can answer this, even if you believe you CAN know)

3) And, since for me pure happiness is the purpose, does being in a sub-reality even matter towards The Purpose of pure happiness?
Andrew Responds:

1) You can know. This is what my Bigger Self and I are actively and aggressively hashing out with OURSELVES. LOL. In my case, my deepest DESIRE, and I have been reading your thread about "What I believe." (great stuff), is FREEDOM. This was my stated intention before this life. This is what I wanted beyond anything else. From all the lifetimes I lived before, and all the previous incarnations of Andrew Wilcox, I wanted freedom. I have lived some "beyond imagination" lifetimes. I have led planets. I have destroyed worlds. But I WANT freedom. What I am discovering is that this desire for "freedom", was stemming from my interaction and enmeshment with others. This is way to broad an understanding to put into even a full book, for me. Hmmmmm...

2) I can know. So this question is a bit backwards for me, but I'll answer the original intent of the question. I don't wish to escape ALL subrealities. In fact, creating subrealities is QUITE FUN, and there are non-physical beings with whom I am interacting, where we intentionally and deliberately create joyful, blissful, subrealties, for all involved. Beings CAN and DO create selfish subrealties for the purpose of ensnaring others (Ehemem, Allbedamneded). My goal then, is to BE ALERT and PAY ATTENTION to the subrealities I may be invited to enter. In truth, each person's personal perspective of me is a subrealityty, but not everyone DEMANDS I agree with them.

I'm not a big fan of the Jes-ter. Heheh... clever. But the Jes-ter used to NOT be able to heal people unless they "believed", unless they "handed their power over on a golden platter".

For example, if I enter an intimate relationship with someone who even just harbors a remote doubt that I might be mentally ill, they will present this subreality to me on a constant basis, even if it's not directly on their minds. And I will be constantly having to say, "No, No, No. That's not who I am." This is what is happening on the "I AM 2 pointing like Mad!" thread. The "abusers" are demanding that I agree to their subreality, their perception of me. I refuse. I AM Who I AM. People not centered within themselves, not connected to who they are, NEED agreement. They need that power and they need that control. Someone centered within themselves, following themselves, connected to themselves, can be blissfully happy even when the whole world disagrees. This is freedom for me. Joining subreality, especially a collective, simply to get agreement (i.e. "love"), in my perspective is absolute death. It's worse than death. I have given my SELF away.

So long as one is allow SELF, it doesn't matter. For me it matters, because of Who I AM, and where my consciousness is within its OWN development. I like my SELF. I like my individualness. I like my personality. I like my conscious perspective, and I can choose to keep it. Now, in my perspective, there are others. There are definitely others, that don't always have intentions that are joyful and blissful to me, which is evident even within the above thread. The physical circumstances are a mirror of what exists in non-physical. Everyone I'm interacting with, including you, is a non-physical being, and we're pretending to be physical, but we are still actually non-physical. The non-physical communication happens first, and then the physical details get played out.

I'm becoming more and more aware of the, what I call, psychic agreements being made, before the circumstances actually happen. I know what the replies to my posts will be, especially for people on the attack, BEFORE I hit submit. LOL. I'm planning my posts, sometimes, four days ahead, because I'm just watching the other people thrash about. I know where they're at. I know what they're thinking about me. I know what they're planning. It's very funny. In your case, you don't have any direct intentions toward me. You are simply thinking and expressing yourself and sharing, that's the word, sharing YOURSELF. So, your posts are always a pleasant surprise. They don't get tripped on the radar so to speak, because the intentions are pure.

Alex Wrote:
My answers:
1) I'm not sure how you can know. Perhaps your Bigger You is pulling you through the different layers of sub-realities, but how can you know you have reached absolute freedom from them... Jury is out on this one for me.
Andrew Responds:

There are knowables. I EXIST. This is the foundation of ABSOLUTE reality. I THINK. I CHOOSE. And so on... There is a fundamental logic of self. There is a fundamental set of knowables that can be observed and then inferred from conscious self awareness.

I am by no means suggesting that this is important for anyone, or is THE WAY to go. It's just the way I WANT, because I WANT FREEDOM. I want to know ME in my fullest potential as an existent being.

Here's the deal. Our Bigger Selves have made choices and have "beliefs". I think I'll stop there. Never mind.

Alex Wrote:
2) I think the point would be that purer levels of sub-realities may be more conducive to pure happiness

3) I don't think it matters towards The Purpose of pure happiness, YET follow me here. By entering pure happiness your core, or your Bigger You will tend to pull you out of sub-realities naturally.

Andrew Responds:

Yes. I agree. By connecting to self, we will eventually... EVENTUALLY... exit all subrealities, but this could be a VERY long time, for some people, because they are CHOOSING adamantly to believe in a subreality (i.e Allbedamneded is the highest. Therefore, the smartest. Therefore, better than me.). Most religions fall into that category to some degree. For example, a being, even a Bigger Being that believes there is a god above themselves, will find and follow that god even in death, and eventually reincarnate (in some dimension) based upon interaction with that god. That "god" may or may not have their best intentions at heart. That "god" may be an out and out liar. That "god" may actually be doing everything in its power to keep them a slave to that subreality. It happens. No big deal. Eventually... in a galaxy far, far, away... they might figure it out and free themselves... maybe.

So. I'm NEVER saying my way is THE WAY. I'm saying, through my own experience and perception, I'm seeking freedom, and this is what I'm finding and what is working for me. And, as we have already discussed, I have NO IDEA what will work for another, because there's no way I can know their beliefs, choices, perspectives, intentions, whatever. No promises from me. They could have had the intention to always be the one that anything I say fails for. Doh! I could waste my whole life trying and everything I said would fail for them. Whatever.

This is getting long, so I'll answer your next post in another post.

Please append, "in my opinion", to the above post. (This is for the stupid ones.)

Be Beautiful - Part 1

This kid inspires me. Be beautiful. His life is deliberate. His message has been heard by more than mine.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cranberry Juice

Alex Baranosky just posed another interesting question.

I'm pulling comments and questions that make me think, and I find interesting, to the front, and this does NOT mean that comments posted in the past that were not pulled to the front were not as interesting. I just started this practice, so this is how I will operate going forward. This also does NOT mean that comments not pulled to the front will be ignored or go unanswered, or are not WORTHY and VALUABLE and GOOD. I believe ALL meaningful conversation is good.

I'm pondering ways of creating a space where meaningful dialog can take place that is free from abuse for ALL members, and has nicer features than this blog comment (no edit) bullshit.

I believe all members have the right to have profiles and be able to link to whatever they're about. I believe that is important. You are contributing to the whole, you deserve to make yourself known. I'm not jiggy with any of the known forums as their are abuse potentials there, as is evident.

Ok... back to Alex's fascinating query, which goes back almost a year perhaps.

Alex Baranosky Wrote:
Hi Andrew,

I wanted to ask you something, and didn't know where to post it, so here seemed good a place as any.

I am thinking back to the story about when you were guided to sort of gargle with cranberry juice.

Here's the food for thought question:

(Or at least it would be good clarification) Why did your flow/guidance have you gargle with cranberry juice if the world is only thoughts?

Clearly at least at that time in your life, your flow specifically wanted whatever was in the cranberry juice.

Do you believe your flow would have responded differently now? (Mar 29, 2009)?

There's no way to know what my Bigger Self would lead me to do now. I have thought this for some time, since you posted it. The trouble with direct experience is that it is only meaningful within a given context of interpretation. After the event happened the first time, I had a particular interpretation. From my current point of view, I have another interpretation, which I will go into.

This may be long... LOL. Ahh... the endless babble of me.

Cranberry Juice is a thought too. Some thoughts are perceivable within the context of the thoughts of physical senses. Some thoughts are not. The computer you are sitting at is a thought. Hmmm... that's my foundational working assumption... ok, jumping here.

This is a big jump. If you watch the movie Dune, the first one, not the new one. The one by David Lynch done in 1984. There is a scene where Paul (Muad'Dib) fully connects to himself. While this is happening, and I don't have the exact words, because I don't have the movie, he says something like, "The worm is the spice. The spice is the worm. The worm is the spice. The spice is the worm." Something like that.

Now, believe me or not, find me mentally ill or not, Dune was a real reality. I was there. It happened over 6 million years ago on mars. That's why there are faint traces of a face there today. What Paul is understanding in that moment is that the physical (the worm) is intrinsically the same as, a function of, ONE WITH, consciousness (the spice). They are one and the same thing. The are the same thing and one. Now, when I say One, I do no mean WE ARE ONE. We are NOT one. You are you. I AM ME. But, my physical space is one with my consciousness. My body is a function of my consciousness and not the other way around.

Now... going back to the cranberry juice. That may or may not work for anyone else. Heck, it might never work for me again. That was an experience. There are several KEY components of that experience. Back then, I still had some belief that effort (effort is different than action), was required to get what I wanted. I also still believed there was some separation between "the worm" and "the spice". No matter what I did, the phlegm remained a problem. This is also during the period where my Bigger Self was beginning to wake me up and reestablish trust and flowing.... connection.... deeper connection.

So... what did my Bigger Self do. My Bigger Self flowed me to buy something that I WOULD NEVER BUY. Back then, I didn't just dislike Cranberry Juice. I pretty much hated it. I would NEVER drink it voluntarily, let alone actually buy some, knowing full-well I wouldn't so much as take a sip. But... I did. I bought it, because my flow was being adamant that I do so. I could not walk away from that Cranberry Juice in the store. If I tried, it felt like a rushing river pulling me back to it. I was there in conflict for quite some time. LOL. I was resisting MYSELF, because MYSELF didn't make sense to my little perspective. Finally. I allowed, MYSELF. I went with MY FLOW.

I went home, not thinking about the Cranberry Juice, until much later than evening when I was led to take it out of the fridge and pour a FULL glass. Almost spilling over it was so full. And, I'm thinking... fuck. Please, don't make me drink this.

Well, I didn't have to drink it. I had to sit and HOLD it it my mouth and tilt my head back and let it slowly run down the back of my throat, which caused me to choke, and cough, and choke, and cough on nearly every sip. And, at the time I had NO IDEA WHY I was doing this. I was just following my flow. I was just going where my Bigger Self was leading me, because there was enough trust there to know that my Bigger Self KNEW how to get me where I wanted to go. I finished that glass, and had to pour ANOTHER one, which I had to do the same thing with. And, after that one, my Bigger Self took me and started to have me pour a third one, but the stopped, because it was just a joke. My Bigger Self likes jokes, just like I do. We are one. My Bigger Self is ME, but with a broader perspective.

So... nothing happened. I was like, "Ok. Whatever." I woke up the next morning, just like always. I went about my routine, and then at some point it dawned on me... no phlegm. My throat was perfectly clear, which it hadn't been in a very long time. Fascinating, and then it all dawned on me, about the Cranberry Juice. Oh!

My Bigger Self had led me to do something, that I didn't want to do, that got me to where I wanted to be. And to be honest, "drinking" the Cranberry Juice wasn't really that bad. It was my projected FEAR of the experience. I had a fear of Cranberry Juice. Now, I find that it's actually pretty good, sometimes.

This experience is a metaphor for getting what you want through physical circumstances that APPEAR to be unwanted. I have been through many subsequent experiences that most people would firmly believe are unwanted, but from my connection to ME, and my following of ME, every single one of those experiences has been HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY beneficial to ME. My current circumstances are HIGHLY beneficial to me, even though most people would firmly believe they are unwanted, they are bad, they are "universal" punishment for being evil and not talking nicely to the idiots.

I think that's all I have to say about that, currently, but I want to add, that the sound technology in Dune is build-able with technology currently available on the planet today. The only "problem" with that technology is that only someone one with themselves can use it, and perhaps we should.

Marcel's Teachings - Part 1

Click on the image for a full sized version.

Marcel is a being that I appreciate and respect. Marcel is a dog. Marcel is not less than me. I am not superior to Marcel, simply because I hold the lease occasionally. Marcel is a consciousness that is deliberately choosing a set of physical circumstances for his own personal reasons and joys. Marcel is a GREAT TEACHER. I value the wisdom Marcel has made me aware of.

Be Alert

Pay Attention




Go for the Throat

Marcel will do WHATEVER it takes to stop pain and feel good. If another being forces Marcel to escalate his behavior, he will not feel bad about killing them the next day. He won't sit around and worry whether he did the right thing or not. He did the right thing in the moment based upon the above scale. There were AMPLE warnings along the way. He growled. He barked. He bit. He killed. The other being could have disengaged at ANY time, based upon the information they were receiving that their presence and/or behavior was unwanted to Marcel. It doesn't matter if their behavior is "socially acceptable" or "holy" or "spiritual". If Marcel arbitrarily decides in his own subject experience that it is unwanted behavior, he will go through this process. This doesn't mean he is asking the other being to change, or to stop doing what they're doing. He's merely suggesting that they stop doing it to him, otherwise he will escalate. It really is a very simple and beautiful wisdom, which I truly admire and am taking to heart.

My Official Theme Song

For all of those of you, who have thought, or do think, or are suggesting that I might have a mental illness. FUCK YOU. You can get out of my life and never come back.

I challenge ANY of you, to sit down and have an intelligent MEANINGFUL conversation about REALITY that is not based in assumption, belief, or personal projected fantasy that has no evidence to support it.

To even believe in mental illness, means you know NOTHING about reality creation, or the fundamental knowable truths of consciousness. FUCK OFF.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Ad that Makes Me Mad - Part 1

Law of Attraction Secret

Does The Law of Attraction Work For
You? If Not, This Is Why...

Here's the direct link, should the above stop working.

This is a Law of Attraction Google advertisement that keeps appearing for me. There was one I wish I had saved, for this exact link. It said something like, "Find out what Abraham missed." That is not exact words, but it is very close.

So, this is a "teacher" that was in "The Reekret", named Dob or Bod Protractor, or something. And the advertisement KNOWS there are people out there NOT getting results... so what's the solution? The solution is to "teach" YOU what YOU are doing wrong. The solution is to "teach" YOU what was NOT fully presented in the movie that was claimed to have all the answers.

Now we have Law of Attraction "teachers" "pushing-against" other Law of Attraction teachers. Jockeying for supreme Law of Attraction "teacher" position, the one with ALL the answers. And, read the first part of this add. Ok, I'll save you the bother of wasting your time. Here is the VERY FIRST statement on that page.

Barely 3 Years After The Revolutionary Film “The Secret”, America & The World Faces Its Worst Financial Crisis in Decades
Is the Law of Attraction Just Hype?
Why – if the Law of Attraction is being used by millions – did America just face its worst job crisis since 1974, and a crumbling economy?
So... here's a professed "teacher" of the Law of Attraction FOCUSING on what is NOT wanted. Activating the PROBLEM so to speak. Why would a Law of Attraction teacher focus on the problem? Perhaps to convince you, you need to buy this NEW answer, this NEW information, this Secret to the Secret to the Secret to the Secret to the Secret to the fucking Secret?

But don't waste your money on the $95 price tag, because if you leave the site, they'll give it to your for $5! Woo hoo! Just what us poor desperate people have... five dollars. Don't waste that $5 on food or gas... you need some magic beans... a magic wand... cause the one we sold you last time... doesn't work right... well, it's YOU who isn't working it right, but we'll show you how to fix yourself.

And guess what? There is an affiliate program with this add. I happened to run into another very similar add that was a link to a page that suggested viewers go to this page, and it was obviously in the format of an affiliate link. SO... if you want to really get the Law of Attraction working for you, this "source" has already set up programs for you to RESELL the Law of Attraction, since the only REAL way to make MONEY with the Law of Attraction is to SELL IT! Sell the living fuck out of it, and then sell more of it, when it doesn't work!

Pure Genius!

For those of you who might have read Attractive Promises my second book, you might notice the highly contagious and infectious warm and inviting smiles present on this page.

And I can just HEAR the evil gears spinning in their heads about how I'm giving them MORE focus... just like THEY'RE focusing on the failing economy, right? Right?

Look, when the economy fails you'll be glad you spent your last $5 on those magic beans. Trust me.

God damn it. I have to add this.

Bob Proctor – one of the key figures in “The Secret”- believes that the Law of Attraction is incomplete, and for the first time reveals the 11 Forgotten Laws that will finally uncover the Law’s true potential.

This is a direct quote off of that page. If you are a TEACHER of something, you either KNOW something is incomplete or you don't. If you merely BELIEVE it's incomplete then you're actually saying, you don't know what the fuck you're teaching.

If you hired a teacher to teach you singing or paining or driving, would you go to someone who BELIEVED they knew how to do it? Or someone who KNEW how to do it?

If I vanish, check the rivers.

Why I Deal Abuse to Abusers

From my perspective, in my opinion, in following what feels good to me, in living up to Who I AM, this is my ONLY option.

Abusers always lie. Abusers are so wrapped up in their own internal drama that they refuse to listen to any and all avenues of communication, and even go so far as to use any attempted communication as more REASON and EXCUSE to continue the abuse. Abusers have ONE agenda and that is to force change upon their target. Abusers will use ANY and ALL methods to force that change. They will ignore communication. They will ignore screams. They will ignore pleas. They will use physical violence if their verbal assaults are not succumbed to.

I have tolerated abuse in many forms and fashion for most of my life. I have been a very nice, considerate, thoughtful, understanding individual. In my research of being abused, I have found no amount of niceness or understanding or attempted communication will make the abuse stop. None. My only perceived option, FOR ME, is to retaliate has HARD and as VICIOUS and as SLOWLY PAINFUL as I can. This is MY only option. I would rather DIE or rot in prison than tolerate abuse.

I AM willing to return to DECENT COMMUNICATION with any and all abusers which I have identified in my experience. And yes, my identification of an abuser is my SUBJECTIVE perspective, but I back this perspective up with actual tangible evidence, which anyone and everyone can observe, and make up their own minds about.

To return to DECENT COMMUNICATION, we must address the initial roots of the abuse. We must come to understanding about what I perceive as abuse, and discuss solutions. We may or may not come to agreements for further communication, but at very least, we can agree to stay very far away from one another. I DO NOT ABUSE THOSE WHO DO NOT ABUSE ME, and if someone feels that I am abusing them, who is not abusing me, I WILL LISTEN and attempt to come to some understanding and agreement. I WANT YOU TO EXPRESS WHO YOU ARE. If you perceive abuse from me, when you are not abusing me, I need to know, because I may be unaware of what you find painful or hurtful. I may or may not be able to adapt to your needs. If I can, I will. If I cannot, I will make sure that I stay out of your way, to the best of my ability.

I will use any means necessary to abuse my abusers in as painful and agonizing a way as I can possibly dream up. I will use knives, bats, and guns if necessary.

But, my PREFERRED interaction is MEANINGFUL DIALOG, which stems from respect, listening, thinking, observing, and understanding, which I offer to ANYONE no matter what skin color they have, no matter what their personal preferences are, no matter what hair-do they find joyful to them.


My Books (A Detailed Accounting)

Alex Baranosky, whom I appreciate and respect, has read my mind, or perhaps I should say DEMONSTRATED his connection with himself and expressed his awareness of exactly what I was going to post next, and thoughtfully through his inner connection created a perfect doorway for me to do so. Thank you.

I am moving his comment up, so that it is easily readable, and I am responding to each statement individually.

Alex Says:

You are nothing, if not thorough!
Andrew Responds:
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Alex Says:
Unrelated note, it is my opinion that you would do better to have some longer explanations of what the 2-3 books you wrote contain on the links to purchase them.
Andrew Responds:
Alex Says:
The money you are asking for is a bit more than you have in the past, and the more money, then the more people *in general* expect to read about something before purchasing. I personally don't feel I get a good sense of what they are about.
Andrew Responds:
Unfortunately, the books are self-published on Lulu.com. Due to the nature of how this process works, they are more expensive that I would actually like to charge for them. For me to retain the possibility for having the books distributed on Amazon or other comparable sites, I have to charge the prices indicated. These were actually calculated by Lulu, based upon the production costs of the book, and the associated markups taken by Lulu and Amazon.

If you do order a book directly from Lulu (my books aren't on Amazon currently), I do make the most profit, but in order to retain the POSSIBILITY for future distribution, I have to charge he prices indicated. I did mark them up by a few cents, literally, to make the prices even dollar amounts.
Alex Says:
A table of contents or a breakdown of the table of contents, for example, could make the books seem more enticing...
Andrew Responds:
There is a 10 page preview of each book on the lulu.com website. If you go to that site, and look at each book individually, there is a 10 page preview where you can read both the table of contents and the first few pages. I agree that this is not enough, but it is there. I will further detail each book, individually, shortly.
Alex Says:
Just a thought :)

All the Best,
Andrew Responds:
And to you my friend. Thank you.

Attractive Conspiracy
Lies, Half-Truths, Contradiction

This book is NOT for everyone. This book is for people who have been following law of attraction and are honestly observing the results they are receiving and noticing that they are NOT getting the results that they were promised. This book is NOT for people who don't follow the lie of attraction. This book IS for people who may be sitting on the fence, and are beating themselves up trying to figure out what they did wrong, and why the EMPTY PROMISES they have been sold are not yielding the claimed results. This is a tough book. I speak roughly and aggressively. I challenge any lie of attraction teacher or follower to read this book and honestly address the contradictions and the lies I believe I have found. AND... I challenge any lie of attraction teacher of follower to consistently and predictably demonstrate manifestation through pure focus, intention, and vibration. It can't be done.

This book is not specifically about the lie of attraction. It is about the techniques and methods swindlers, con-artists, and abusers use to sell EMPTY PROMISES to poor and desperate people, while convincing those poor and desperate people that they are living gods incarnate. This book is darkly humorous and possibly disturbing, but not violent or gory. I'm laughing just thinking about this book now. It's really funny to me, and I believe the 10 page preview is enough to give you a taste for what is contained inside. Even the table of contents is funny to me. I sincerely WISH I was the type of person who could in good conscious pull these techniques off, because I would be a god damn millionaire savior, but I can't. I'm not that person. I cannot take advantage of poor, desperate, needy, stupid people. It's NOT Who I AM, although I sincerely wish I was, so that I could savor all that sweet bank-account-filling evil.

The Toaster Method for Universal Domination

This is a joke. This book is referenced in "Attractive Promises", and is provided for continued amusement and joy. This book is FULL COLOR, FULL BLEED, which means every page is totally inked out. You can see a 10 page preview, which will give you a taste. This book IS ridiculously OVERPRICED, although it is expensive at core, because it is FULL COLOR, FULL BLEED. The overpriced nature of this book IS part of the joke. It is an intrinsic part of the joke. This is a life changing process which can grant ANY wish (almost), so it MUST be highly expensive and flashy. I am working on ways to make another version of this book that is less expensive, since I am a altruistic and deeply caring individual, which shall be titled, "The Slightly Less Effective Toaster Method for Universal Domination". Coming soon.

To Jobo Pooks - Part 2

Ok, Jobo, since you IGNORED my simple request to stop using comments to send me email now, which demonstrates your lack of respect and violence. I will now go back and address as many of the existing posts that you made as I can. I have grouped them according to their subject matter, and will attempt to address each one as fully as I possibly can.

I want you to be aware, that I AM deleting the comments you CONTINUE to send to me without reading them, because you are VIOLENT and ABUSIVE. YOU ARE NOT MY DOCTOR. YOU ARE NOT MY PSYCHOLOGIST. YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER TRYING TO ABUSE ME. I WILL NOT TOLERATE ABUSE.

The first contradiction you are attempting to BEAT me down with, without respect, without dignity, without care or concern for MEANINGFUL DIALOG is this, and I post all of your comments that are related to this. The first one is the simplest.

Jobo Pooks Comment #1.a
"Your life is deliberate"

In saying this, are you speaking for others?

In other words; are you telling others what their reality is?

Jobo Pooks Comment #1.b
You are telling people what their reality is Andrew.

"Your life is deliberate"

My life is what I experience it to be according to my reality; it's not what you say it is because you've changed your mind about something. Ha!

You used to be really funny man; now you're fucking hilarious!

Jobo Pooks Comment #1.c
What about "Your life is deliberate"?

You've already made the choices at this fundamental level of consciousness so if you are, as Andrew Wilcox,thinking that you can be manipulated then perhaps that's a choice you've already made and so it's perfect.


Jobo Pooks Comment #1.d
Who are you to tell others what their path of joy is? Ha!

You made FOUR comments that say virtually the same thing. I am the type of person that takes all comments and criticizm seriously. BUT... four comments posted with days of each other which express and MOCK perceived contradictions within me, without giving me AMPLE TIME to think and respond intelligently... is SPAM.

You could have had the decency to take the time to write ONE well written statement of perceived contradiction, and then had the RESPECT to give me TIME to answer that statement. BUT NO, you had to post FOUR, and are CONTINUING to post more, without allowing me time to ANSWER. Asshole. Spammer. Identified abuser.

So, now, that I have time. I'm going to answer this, even thought I fully expect if I ever allowed you to comment there again, you would continue to drive this into the ground without listening to what I'm about to say. Jerk.

Here is my simple response:

Please append, "In my opinion" or "From my perspective" to ALL of my statements. If I forget to type those words, I am stating clearly once and for all that that is my intended meaning.

I AM stating clearly that I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS FOR OTHER PEOPLE. I have answers and deep thinkings that ARE WORKING FOR ME. I state clearly, that if you want to be a slave, be a slave. Enjoy. I state clearly, that if you want to be an abuser, be an abuser, but I will hunt you down and KILL you if necessary to make the abuse stop. If you want more FREEDOM, I MAY have some information that you MIGHT find useful. I don't know if you will find it useful, so I AM here expressing myself as clearly as I possibly can, so that you can make that decision for yourself. MOST of the information I have to share, is ON THIS BLOG FOR FREE, most, but not all. AND, I AM doing my best to deal with the thoughts, ideas, questions, criticizms, and IDENTIFIED ABUSERS THAT HAVE NO BASIC RESPECT FOR ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR TIME.

I believe that's answered sufficiently.

Jobo Pooks Comment #1.e and #2.a
(Oh, great, another comment that has the previous comments embedded within it... fuck.)
Hmmmm. So they tell others what they believe to be true in their reality in the hope that others will be interested enough to purchase their material and in so doing they make money to buy things that will perhaps make them feel how they could feel without the money and going to all the bother of touring and dealing with the business side of things etc?

Perhaps they enjoy it all.

And after all; their life is deliberate; isn't it?


If you're going to post a criticiam and the MOCK me at the end of it with laughter, then you are demonstrating that A) you are an abuser B) you are not actually going to listen to my response and C) NOT someone I care to interact with. But I AM all about being real and honest and having MEANINGFUL DIALOG with individuals that can communicate with RESPECT.

Now. This comment is about the Dicks, and indirectly other "Lie of Attraction" swindlers.

I don't claim the to know the underlying motivations and intentions for beings that deliberately choose to and feel good about selling EMPTY PROMISES to poor and desperate people. My stated philosophy is BE YOURSELF, and if your a two-bit con-artist and that's your joy, the by all means be the BEST god damn fucking con-artist you can be. BUT, that will NOT STOP ME FROM EXPRESSING MYSELF. I AM the type of person that WILL NOT sit idly by while someone is getting raped from my perspective. I AM the type of person that believes in aligned action. I AM the type of person that believes ANGER has it's place.

I don't expect the "Lie of Attraction" con-artists to change. I'm not on THEIR sites DEMANDING answers, like you are from me. I'm HERE, in MY OWN REALM, expressing what I KNOW to BE TRUE for ME. This is MY HOME, and you are a GUEST here. If you come in to my home as a guest, and you start kicking me and breaking my stuff, I will THROW YOUR ASS OUT. If you want to get a billboard right next to my home with a big arrow that says, "EVIL LOSER". I won't stop you. You're not in my home at that point. That is your right and freedom as a individual being, and I fully respect that. Like I said, if you're an abuser, be the best abuser you can be. Go for it.

Jobo Pooks Cooment #3.a
You and Jack have parted company and jack is in the past.

You and the Hicks gang parted company and that is in the past.

All you are interested in is you.

Why are you hauling this ab/hicks shit around then?

So you don't give a shit about people, but you do.

Jobo Pooks Comment #3.b
Then why tell others what to do?

You have no need to prove anything do you?

Or does your casting out by the Hicks gang piss you off and that's why you're still dragging that fucker around?

I am not dragging anyone around. I AM EXPRESSING WHAT I KNOW. These comments are subversively superior, because they have the assumption that it is somehow MY "spiritual" obligation to drop the past. This is your BELIEF. It is NOT MINE. If I went around dropping the past, then I would no be aware in this moment that YOU are an IDENTIFIED ABUSER, who communicates with NO RESPECT and VIOLENCE. The PAST is VERY important to me, as it allows me to identify and move around my current environment with ease, so that I don't have to continually reidentify the liers, the abusers, the violent ones, whatever. My past allows me to KNOW what I need to DO in my present. I value my past. That's why it exists.

If someone lies to me and takes advantage of me, I'm the type of person that will express that, whether anyone else finds that information useful or not. If there's a fucking lion in the woods waiting to eat people that I barely escaped from, then I'm going to let my friends and family know it's there, so that I don't have listen to their screams. And, perhaps, together we will DO SOMETHING about that lion, so that we can live in PEACE. That's the type of person that I AM.

Jobo Pooks Comment #4.a
May I ask, Andrew:

What is your ulterior motive in exposing all these things that you experience as lies to anyone who may listen?


I believe my motives are clear from my above posts, but I will reiterate them AGAIN, for the stupid ones. I would also like to say that I do not appreciate the condescending tone and mockery contained in this comment. Fuck you.

My motives are to let people know about the "Lie of Attraction" that I found to be abusive and an underhanded attempt to keep me a slave. If others find my expression useful, so be it. If not, so be it. I will express it, because I AM the person that believes in OPEN, HONEST, PRESENT communiation about Who We Are. Until you drop the condescention and mockery, you WILL NEVER get another comment on this blog again... EVER. And, I've already asked you to leave, and to stop commenting, and you CONTINUE. This is VIOLENCE. If you are hitting me, and I ask you to stop, you are RAPING ME. This is the definition of rape. Rape is violent. Fuck you.

Jobo Pooks Comment #5.a
So, and only if you really want to, read and absorb what I say. Make up your own mind; even though your life is deliberate, then pop on over to my shop and buy as much of my stuff as you feel like buying because I'm saying something different?

LOL. This is pure entertainment. Thanks.

God damn it. This is the SAME FUCKING comment I just addressed multiple times. MORE SPAM canned with MORE MOCKERY. How many times are you going to make the same comment without giving me TIME to respond? How many times are you going to RAPE me and continue to do what I ask you to stop, out of respect and decenty, letting you know full well that it feels bad to me. You're a fuckin' rapist.

Jobo Pooks Comment #6.a
Selling your reality is as good a way as any of getting food and water and shelter and clothing. LOL Drew. Thanks for the memories.

Within the confines of this backwards, tiny, completely lackful little drama called the "human race", we are obligated to sell our realities. Science is selling it's reality. Wall street is selling it's reality. YOU are fucking selling your reality.

YOU KNOW WHAT. MOST OF MY LIFE SO FAR HAS BEEN EXPRESSING MYSELF FOR FUCKING FREE. There are days, if not weeks, if not months of my thoughts and opinions expressed for absolutely FREE, out there in forusm and/or audio programs. Most of what I'm saying here is ON THIS BLOG FOR FREE. FUCK YOU for not having the decency, respect, or common courtesy to pay attention and listen and observe, before jumping to conclusions. I HAVE SPENT 5 of more years of my life studying the "Lie of Attraction". You have litterally less than a months worth of information about my current endevours. FUCK YOU.

Jobo Pooks Comment #7.a
"This audio is two solid hours of only "the tone". I'm totally addicted to the tone now. I have it running in a loop on my computer all day and all night. It resonates certain parts of the body and prolonged exposure, at least in my case, is starting to induce certain states of bliss. I can feel the difference in the room when it's not playing."

I guess it's cheaper than heroin then! LOL

Sound vibration to induce changes in perception! Now where have I seen that before??? Hmmm!

Fuck you for judging and mocking my personal experience, asshole, and my desire to share what is working for me. There are ABSOLUTELY NO CLAIMS associated with that audio, other than my own personal experience, and it is CLEARLY described for those who might be interested. Fuck you. See, I don't make EMPTY PROMISES like "Lie of Attraction" swindlers. I say, "This is my experience. This is working for me. You might be interested. You might not, but at least I have the decency to share."

Jobo Pooks Comment #8.a
Zhan Zhuang?

I used this years ago. It's harder than most people imagine and my kids got really embarrased when they brought their mates home and I was doing it with a fucking big smirk all over my face.

Feeling a little superior? Need to share how complicated and difficult your path to "spirituality" is? I don't fucking care how complicated you make your path. I don't care how well you can bend and contrort yoursef to someone else's obscure arcane practice. This does not engender respect or admiration on my part. In fact, I find it stupid and absurd. My "spirituality" is BE MYSELF. It is very fucking simple, and very fucking easy. Get lost, asshole. YOU ARE NOT MY FUCKING GURU.

Jobo Pooks Comment #9.a
Who did this?

Could this be a kneejerker in our midst? LOL

This comment is in response to several people, including myself, who wanted to EDIT their comment but were unable to do so because of the way Google has blog comments implemented. The only way to EDIT a comment here is to delete it and repost it. This was explained to you TWICE, but you continue to choose to see a reality that is not there. Fuck you. Save the spam for your penis enlargement products. This is NOT meaningful dialog.


I didn't even post all of your comments. It was TOO MUCH work to fucking find them all. And... this doesn't even include the 11 and counting that I have rejected since. Fuck you.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Meaningless Interaction #3

The person merely posts abusive or offensive images in response to discussion posts or the posts. One cannot argue, respond to, or address images, since:

A) Images are highly interpretive and can have different meanings to different observers, which allows the shady, shallow, and SCARED poster to hide and lie about their original intentions and motivations for posting the image, should they be questioned or called out on their inconsiderate ABUSE.

B) It is very difficult to quote images in a meaningful fashion, since the entire message is non-textual, which should be obvious, since we're talking about images. Which, either forces the respondent to repost the image, which may already be offensive, derogatory, or abusive, or reply without a proper back reference, which allows the already ABUSIVE poster to potentially DELETE their original message, and further hide their abusive and underhanded ways.

C) Uncreative and unoriginal, since most posted images are stolen copyright violations, further detailing the abusive and theifly nature of the image poster.

D) Unlikely to provide any meaningful discussion and/or dialog, since their is no dialog associated with the image to begin with.

It should be noted, that images can be fun and funny, and there is a time and PLACE for these types of images. There are usually dedicated threads for this category of images, and people wanting that interaction go their specifically for these... such as porn.

If, however, you are going to post ABUSIVE images within a serious discussion and/or public raping of which you like to view and eat popcorn, then Meaningless Interaction #3 definitely applies, and you are an ABUSER.

Meaningless Interaction #2

If someone states an opinion about my words and/or actions, without offering ANY EVIDENCE or proof, then I WILL call them out. I will hunt them down, and I will PROVE one of the following scenarios:

A) The person is merely name calling and doesn't actually have any backing for their statement. In this case, I will demand, but not expect, an apology and/or withdrawal of the statement. I do not actually expect or need one, since anyone in this category is very unlikely to stand up and take responsibility for their meaningless, abusive, and inconsiderate words and actions, and in all likelihood is just plain stupid, which means they have no propensity to remember the random babblings that utter from their uncontrolled lips, thus, making them unaccountable, and safely ignorable.

B) The person actually has found evidence that I am in internal contradiction, which I WANT TO KNOW. I find that VERY VALUABLE. If someone finds a contradiction in me, I'm the type of person that LISTENS, and pays attention to the great information that is being presented to me. I am the type of person that WANTS to be internally consistent and aligned. I find this scenario unlikely, since I really pay attention to myself to begin with, but it is a possibility. AND... even if someone does evoke this potential, so what? It's still no occasion to be superior.

I would like to say that in the case of B this becomes a MEANINGFUL interaction, but it was masked in meaningless interaction if the person ran and wasn't present or respectful enough to provide the necessary backing for their statement, and forced me to extract it painfully from their pea-sized brain, possibly with a knife.

I would also like to say that while scenario A is meaningless, it is extremely fun to hunt down and potentially KILL people in this category.

Meaningless Interaction #1

If someone makes disparaging remarks about my skin color, hair style, devious and/or deviant sexual practices, choice of ice cream flavor, mental health, physical body condition, and/or any other circumstantial condition that is my current life experience then this interaction falls within one of a very small number of absolutely meaningless possibilities:

A) This it the person's personal perception and bigotry, which cannot be argued, since perception and bigotry are choices. No matter how much I try to clarify or explain or offer proof to the contrary, the person will still choose to see what they want to see. If it's a stupid person with this perception, they will invariably use my clarifications and evidence as more evidence that they are right, because I'm protesting against their ridiculous perception and bigotry. This is meaningless and pointless and what I consider idiocy.

B) The person is abusive, and merely wants to put me down or attempt to make others see me in a bad light. This is more than meaningless and pointless. It's ABUSE. I don't care if they succeed in convincing others that my hair style deserves organized social abuse and rape, because anyone that follows their line of thinking is NOT someone I actually want to know anyway.

C) The person is stupid. It is pointless to communicate with stupid people, because, well, they're stupid. They either cannot read. (This does NOT imply that people that can't read are stupid. I happen to know some VERY smart people that cannot read.) Or, and this is more likely the case, they are too stupid to ACTUALLY read what is written, and merely respond, criticize, and deride what they make up in their minds. This is stupid. Why would you deride a hair style of mine that I never actually wore or described with words?

D) One or more, if not all, of the above, with a strong leaning toward C.

To Jobo Pooks - Part 1

Jobo Pooks,

I want to notify you that I will now delete all of your comments WITHOUT reading them. I have this option.

You are a violent and abusive person, which I will demonstrate shortly, although perhaps not within this blog post.

You are not my guru. You are not my teacher. You are NOT my God Damn Fucking DOCTOR. To make a suggestion that I might be clinically depressed without so much as looking into my ears, down my throat, or even seeing my in person, shows your violence, your abuse, your lack of respect, your ARROGANCE, your better than you attitude, and your idiocy.

The REASON I am moderating your comments, is because I do not have time to answer a million STUPID questions that are not questions. You don't ask questions. You don't express meaningful opinions. What you do is you post LEADING QUESTIONS with the fundamental intentions and motivation to evoke change within me, based upon your narrow-minded, inconsiderate, condescending perspective.

I AM FREE. You will not change me. I don't need your "help", your "superior" spiritual wisdom, your holy-fucking, better-than-you, attitude. I don't need you or your time wasting nonsense. Feel free to post as many moderated comments as you want, NONE of them will be read. They will ALL be immediately deleted.

I AM asking you as one respectful being to another to stop posting comments. This is a respectful request. You are FREE to start your OWN BLOG about my evil shenanigans, hypocrisy, and lies. You have that freedom. Your voice has not been silenced. BUT... I WILL NOT TOLERATE ABUSE or VIOLENCE, PERIOD. If you continue, to post comments and force me to delete them, you are demonstrating your disrespect and violence. Think about this, seriously. This is absolutely NO DIFFERENT than me saying, "I do not want you to hit me anymore." Hit me again, and you demonstrate EVERYTHING I just said.

Fuck you, asshole.

p.s. I asked you to leave the moment you set foot in this blog, because I KNEW your intentions from the beginning. I also know, what's going to happen here.

I also want to state clearly that NONE of your existing posts will be deleted by me. If they are deleted, that is your doing. I will not delete them.

Meaningful Dialog

I have turned on comment moderation, which means I see each comment and have the decision as to whether it gets published or not.

My stated philosophy is BE YOURSELF. Do what feels good to you.

I am not in contradiction to my message, because I don't believe tolerating abuse fixes the problem. Nor do I believe standing up to abuse will get me more abuse. Nor do I tell people not to manager and deal with abusers. Deal with abusers, kill them if necessary, or not, the choice is yours.

I do not tolerate abuse. I do not believe there is any such thing as "pushing back", when you are BEING YOURSELF.

I will publish ANY and ALL comments that I find meaningful and valuable even if they disagree and/or criticize me and/or my position, and will reject all other comments. If I identify you as an abusive and/or violent person, I will reject your comments without even reading them, because I don't have time for violent and abusive people.

I have nothing to hide. If you want to expose me as the fraud that I am, start your OWN blog, and post as many posts about my hypocrisy and double-dealings as you like.

Here is my stated purpose for this blog:
If you want to be a slave, be a slave.
If you want to be an abuser, be an abuser, but I will call you out on it, and even kill you if necessary.
If you want more freedom, I MAY have some information that you may or may not find useful.
I make no promises or lofty claims as to the results my expressions will get you, because I don't know the choices you are making for yourself.
A lot of the information is presented here, on this blog, for free. Enjoy.
I reserve the right to keep this space pure for MEANINGFUL dialog, period.
I do not tolerate ANYTHING that I personally DO NOT LIKE, period.
If you don't like that, start your own FUCKING blog.

Friday, March 27, 2009

What Law of Attraction Teaches - Part 1

Law of attraction teaches that it was the fault of the Aficans that got picked up by slave traders. If the slave traders knew law of attraction, they would say, "Hi, we're slave traders, and you guys are are radiating victimhood, so it's our right and duty to victimize you. Don't blame us. It's YOU who has decided to play the slave, and we're just delivering what you want."

Law of attraction teaches that African Americans should have just sat happily at the back of buses or smiled broadly while beating beaten, burned, or hanged, and dreamed of the millions that were just going to fall from the sky and land in their laps.

Any actions or thoughts African Americans might have about standing up and DOING something about these conditions would just be pushing back. Accordingly to lie of attraction, standing up and demanding your rights is just asking for more abuse. Standing up and fighting back against your abusers just makes you more of a victim, just guarantees you'll get more of the same.

Maybe it's just me, but I would rather DIE getting more of the same fighting my abusers, than just dreaming of rainbows while someone is beating me down.

That's just me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Your Life IS Deliberate

As I was laying in my bed yesterday aligning with myself, a passage from Seth Speaks suddenly popped into my head. I remember this passage vividly, because it really struck me when I read it originally. I hadn't thought of it recently at all, until I was aligning ways to express what I know. I have the big red copy published in 1972 and the passage is on pages 426-427, or in Chapter 22 if you have a different copy. It reads as follows:

I was once a mother with twelve children. Ignorant in terms of education, far from beautiful, particularly in later years, with a wild temper and raucous voice. This was around Jerusalem in the sixth century. The children had many fathers. I did my best to provide for them.

My name was Marshaba. We lived wherever we could, squatting in doorways and, finally, all begging. Yet in that existence, physical life had a contrast, a sharpness greater than any I had known. A crust of bread was far more delicious to me than any piece of cake, however well frosted, had ever been in lives before.

When my children laughed I was overwhelmed with delight, and despite our privations, each morning was a triumphant surprise that we had not died in our sleep, that we had not succumbed to starvation. I chose that life deliberately, as each of you choose each of yours, and I did so because my previous lives had left me too blasé. I was too cushioned. I no longer focused with clarity upon the truly spectacular physical delights and experiences that earth can provide.

Though I yelled at my children and screamed sometimes in rage against the elements, I was struck through with the magnificence of existence, and learned more about true spirituality than I ever did as a monk. This does not mean that poverty leads to truth, or that suffering is good for the soul. Many who shared those conditions with me learned little. It does mean that each of you choose those life conditions that you have for your own purpose, knowing ahead of time where your weaknesses and strengths lie.
You chose your life conditions, and you may or may not be able to change those conditions from your current perspective depending upon the INTENTIONS you had when you came into this life. Therefore, to promise someone that they can Be, Do, or Have anything they desire during this life is an out and out LIE. You may or may not be able to attain certain things. It all depends upon intentions you set that you may or may not remember anytime soon.

The events within the past few months and years were going to happen NO MATTER WHAT I did. There was absolutely NO way for me to manifest myself away from or around them, because the All of Me knew BETTER than I can what I was TRULY wanting. There is a path of joy, but it is not through trying to manifest, or align with "source", or be somebody you're not. It's about BEING who you CAME to BE. Otherwise, you're just aimlessly wishing for a better life and missing out on the life you came to live, which in all likelihood will just end with you wanting to repeat what you just glossed over, since you wanted that in the first place.

Psychic Domination - Part 6

Here are two videos which highlight an interesting thought Abraham is asking their followers to agree with, a thought that creates internal self separation and makes Abraham God. Thus, making this movement, another religion, a FOR-PROFIT religion, although all religions actually are for-profit, some just have tax exemption.

The first video is on YouTube presented by the user AbrahamHicks which I have to assume is the official Abraham-Hicks presence on YouTube. The title of the video says, "Law of Attraction Directly From Source", which is Abraham speaking, making Abraham "source", which is a clever name for "god".

The second video is a speech by Abraham. At 1:30 in the video, Abraham says, "When you've shown yourself how easy it is to come into alignment with source..." Think about that. They don't say come into alignment with your SELF. They say come into alignment with source, who is apparently, Abraham. It's not ok to just BE YOURSELF. You must BE what source wants you to be, and then you get rewarded. Very subtle, but you are agreeing to that thought. Psychic domination at its finest. The words are so subtle and smooth you don't realize what you're buying into. There are a ton of these subtle control thoughts around Abraham's words, but I leave the rest up to you to discover on your own.

(I full expect one or both of these videos to be deleted off YouTube. Whatever.)

Previous Episode
First Episode

Psychic Domination - Part 5

Yes, there are many scientific and medical explanations for hypnosis, but in the end it's just thought transference. The subject is agreeing to enter into the thought space of the hypnotist. The dominance of the hypnotist and the willingness of the subject make it all possible. There's no way to prove that it is or isn't "really" happening.

Next Episode
Previous Episode
First Episode

Psychic Domination - Part 4

Again, I'm not saying anything against these videos or the people involved with them. I'm merely providing evidence of what I understand to be going on. If something is working for you, run with that, enjoy it. I'm merely wanting to express that psychic agreements are being made whether they are conscious or unconscious and will stand as "real" until changed.

There is a certain "pull" for me with Matrix Energetics, but the All of Me is being VERY adamant that I pay attention and NOT buy in. This is my path. I'm not saying it's THE PATH for anyone, but me.

At 5:00 in the video, I discovered the reason why, at least one of them. This is where the giving up of my self or my power would come into play. Sorry, I can't go there.

Next Episode
Previous Episode
First Episode

Psychic Domination - Part 3

Well, I couldn't have asked for a better video, as the last 20 or 30 seconds will indicate. What "luck"... LOL.

I want to state clearly that I do not have any ill-will toward the people in these videos. I do not see their personal journeys as wrong, bad, or misdirected. In truth, I am joyful they are allowing themselves to BE even in the face of outside criticism from people that would dismiss their personal experiences. I'm merely drawing parallels between different groups that I believe are experiencing VERY REAL psychic phenomena that is based in the fundamental ability of consciousness to create it's own reality through choice. (NOT LAW OF ATTRACTION)

Next Episode
Previous Episode
First Episode

Psychic Domination - Part 2

I think this video speaks for itself. There is definitely a strong DESIRE to believe and for RESULTS here. You can't say all those people are "faking" it. Something real is happening to them.

Next Episode
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First Episode

The Andrew Wilcox Experiment

Here's an experiment I am suggesting for all law of attraction followers out there. Upon reading this draw a picture or write a small note about how nice and lovely Andrew Wilcox is. I don't mean to suggest that you appreciate him, but that he is a kind, gentle person, that only says nice, lovely things that you want to hear, and that he combs his hair and makes his bed every morning. Put this picture or note on your vision board or wishing shrine and just let it be part of how you are positively changing the world through your intentions and focus.

When we see a dramatic change in his evil ways... well, there you go.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Psychic Domination - Part 1

This video contains everything I want to express about psychic domination and entering someone else's reality. The first part of the video demonstrates several "chi masters" knocking people out with pressure points and then "touchless" hits. These work on their students, because the students have given their power away to their instructors. They have bought into that subreality.

Right at 5:00 in the video, which I strongly suggest watching, one of these "masters" takes on a normal martial arts student and gets taken to the cleaners. The chi guy gets beat up. He wouldn't have entered this demonstration if it wasn't real to him, if it was a fake. He would have avoided it all together. He thought he was going to win, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. The other martial artist though has not agreed to enter that reality, therefore those techniques don't work on him.

My point here is not to debunk chi. I had a martial arts school and I felt and could manipulate my chi. But, there is a deeper reality going on that is based in consciousness. Chi is just another subreality.

Giving one's power away to another being allows that being to do all sorts of things in one's reality. Yes, others can and will create in your reality if you allow them to do so, and most people are, because they're not aware of the decisions they're making, the realities they are in agreement with.

If you learn to feel thoughts and pay attention when you go to channeled seminars, you will quickly discover that you are entering different thought spaces. You are entering and agreeing to other people's thoughts and intentions. You are giving your power away. If that's what you want, fine. If not, you can make a new choice.

The next time you go to one of these seminars, and they ask you to sign their contract, in your mind say, "I do not agree to this." And then sign your name anyway. As you walk through the door into the seminar room, say, "I am my own. I do not agree to the thoughts and intentions of others." When the channeled entity asks questions of the audience, do not say, "Yes." Do not agree. And then, just observe. Watch what happens when you are not in agreement with the event. See if you notice or feel any difference. I'm not asking you to oppose them. I'm just saying agree to hold your own and be yourself.

Next Episode

Abraham's Lies - Part 4

I love this title of this thread: Been doing the abundance game for a month and nothing!

Why? Because it's a lie!

And the first two responses are classic!

It's not about manifestation (even though that's the PROMISE everyone buys the books, CDs, and seminars for). It's about feeling good, because if you just feel good and forget about the results we promised you would receive, then you'll be our loyal druggy, and every time you get down or have doubts you'll come back and buy some more good feelings words, that will promise you all sorts of things, but never deliver.

And of course, if you never get results, it's all YOUR FAULT. It's never the fault of the process, the method, the teachings, or the teachers.... never. Look, we just sell promises ok, we don't deliver results. That's not our business.

Abraham's Lies - Part 3

The first post in this thread is a killer.

Here's the pertinent quote from the thread, which is a quote from Abraham.

Love others in their uniqueness and try to manage them not at all.

And yet... Abraham is managing their followers by TELLING them who to love, their human representatives are managing people by making them sign contracts of behavior to attend seminars, and more importantly their OFFICIAL form is managing people by DELETING posts they don't like and BANNING people they find undesirable. Both of these activities are neither Love nor non-management.

You see, it's about making sure the FOLLOWERS are docile and obedient and non-revoltive. They want passive, mentally drugged out followers dreaming of rainbows while they rape their souls and pocketbooks.

The quotes and teachings don't actually apply to Abraham, their human representatives, or their OFFICIAL FORUM.

I don't expect them to change. I don't WANT them to change. I merely find joy in expressing the obvious and numerous contradictions of spiritual abusers for those that may choose to free themselves of that abuse. I can't help you. I can't save you, but I can express myself... and I will.

Abraham's Lies - Part 2

Here's an interesting thread on The Abe Forum (the official Abraham forum).

Here's a small quote from that post:

So, of course support is appropriate, but only within the specific guidelines of the Abraham Teachings. I truly believe that the best way we support one another is to expect the best, and with the power of influence and by discussing Abraham, uplift one another. In other words, a lot of "yes, I've been there and here's MY sad story..." posts are not the purpose of this forum. We don't want someone who is experiencing something unwanted to come here looking for "kindred spirits" that have gone through the same thing, or people who will offer sympathy ... this is not the "support" we want to see here. Of course, having gone through something similar and USED THE TEACHINGS is a PERFECT example to post!

Abraham only wants you to do what THEY say. They only want you to behave in the APPROVED manner. They do not want you to be yourself. They do not want you to think outside the lines. They want you to be a shining example of the teachings, so that more people will see how great these teachings work and buy more books and go to more seminars, so that the humans running "the show" can make more money, and Abraham can own your pathetic little soul.

The reason you don't see any COUNTER EXAMPLES on their site, is because they DELETE them all, and BAN the people that post them. They REMOVE all evidence that would indicate there is a problem with the teachings. Their followers aren't here to listen to you, to understand you, to help you, to have compassion for you. They're here to keep on smiling and say, "Look you really do have a sad story, and yeah those circumstances are REALLY bad, and I'm sorry there's someone beating you up right now as I'm speaking, but that's ALL YOUR FAULT. Stop focusing on those punches and that abuse, and go dream of rainbows, and everything will be ok."

The OFFICIAL Abraham forum is NOT about being yourself. It's about being a GOOD LITTLE FOLLOWER, and FOLLOWING and OBEYING the RULES, so that certain people can make more money, and certain non-physical entities can gain more control over your mind.

(I wonder how long it will be before they delete or remove the thread I quoted? If the link does not work, you can be assured it was there at one point.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Abraham's Lies - Part 1

Here's a thread on the The Abe Forum (the official Abraham forum).

Now. assuming you read at least the opening post in that thread, and perhaps a few of the responses, it shouldn't take you any time to figure out there's a HUGE contradiction in their message here.

I'll wait while you think.

Ok... you didn't catch it I know, but think about this.

The TITLE of Abraham's most popular original book was "Ask and it is Given", right?
But what is this thread about? It's about, "How do I visualize so I can GET my stuff (faster, quicker, in greater quantities, gift wrapped, delivered by a super model, etc)."

The premise, THE FUCKING TITLE, is, "ASK and it is Given". BUT... it should really be...

Ask, and then visualize, and then work up the emotional scale, and then buy another book, and then come to the seminar, and then only talk pleasingly and upliftingly about Abraham only on The Abe Forum, and then make sure you really believe this stuff, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then... it MIGHT be Given... might be... if you're lucky, and you didn't complain to much, or have a few doubts or negative "episodes" along the way... maybe.

If you ASK to get your stuff, then that should be enough, but it's not, so apparently ASKING isn't really true, but as Abraham has stated on numerous occasions, "It's the best title of any book anywhere." Really? It's the best title, and yet it's in contradiction to your own double speak, fascinating...

There are TWO distinct messages coming through here, double talk. One is, "'Ask", the other is "Vibrate and Attract". These are not the same thing, and yet these answers are switched back and forth like they are.

Which leads us to a million threads all over the internet that have titles like this one... Trusting the Universe... (What if it just keeps NOT happening?)

Then perhaps you should start to really question and think about why you're buying empty promises from people and entities that cannot actually DEMONSTRATE any of the results they actually claim you'll get. Perhaps you should start to question whether they are actually telling the truth or pulling an elaborate control game over on you.

And if that's not enough... look at the forum guidelines... Forum Guidelines
The first line, THE FIRST LINE is: "All members, when they register, agree to abide by the following guidelines, which are set up to ensure that the forum remains a match to the intentions with which it came into being."

So apparently even the official forum of Abraham Hicks can't rely on "the universe" to actually deliver and match the "intentions" they set when they setup the forum. In order for them to get what they want they must force everyone to agree and must actively make their intentions known and must enforce those intentions at every turn. Where's "the universe" come into play here? Where does vibrational attraction come into play? It doesn't, BECAUSE IT'S A LIE.

And more importantly, where does Allowing come into play? Apparently allowing is only for the FOLLOWERS of Abraham Hicks, because FOLLOWERS should allow "the universe" to take forever to deliver, and FOLLOWERS should allow their teachers to contradict their own teachings, and FOLLOWERS should continue to be hopeful, and remain positive, even when the empty promises of Abraham Hicks that they paid dearly for fail to deliver any significant changes.

Whatever. Enjoy being a follower. Enjoy being lied to, at least you know "the universe" will deliver you more lies. At least that part of it works, right?

The Claw of Attraction - Part 6

Click on the image for a full size version.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009