Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Infamous Andrew Wilcox Thread

I wanted to share the links to the infamous Andrew Wilcox Thread. This thread was originally started on Powerful Intentions, but got deleted because "The Secret" was just about to be on Oprah. We couldn't have anyone exposed to higher level concepts now, they're just not ready. Plus, apparently, I'm just a bad influence all around. I mean every word I type just oozes negativity. Can't you feel it?

I hadn't saved any of the thread, nor even anticipated it's removal, but a few days after it was removed, a woman named Sandy messaged me and asked if I wanted a copy. Don't you just love Law of Attraction?

You can still interact with many of the original contributors on the Improving.Us POD.

Andrew Wilcox Thread (1 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (2 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (3 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (4 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (5 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (6 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (7 of 8)
Andrew Wilcox Thread (8 of 8)

There were some images referenced in the original thread that are not included in the documents. I've included them here for completeness.

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